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 The vehicle script

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Server Developer
Server Developer

Posts : 618

The vehicle script Empty
PostSubject: The vehicle script   The vehicle script Icon_minitimeThu Dec 24, 2015 1:32 am

The vehicle script has been developed after a week of partly hard work, boredom and dedication to rewriting it over and over again.

The reason why the script was rewritten in the first place is because it had a lot of flaws in it, it had tons and tons of mistakes in it that were not necessarily influencing the things players saw in game, but they sure did influence the server in a whole. I decided to avoid bodging the script together and just rewrite it to the best of my ability and in benefit of future features and of course the server's efficiency.

All vehicles are loaded in from the database and then spawned in. This includes vehicles owned by players. I made it this way because I couldn't find a way to by-pass this in a short amount of time (I might look into it later when the server is stable). The vehicle parameters are also saved, so if you locked your vehicle before logging off, then it is still locked upon reconnecting and after a server restart. Though, if you forgot to lock it then there's a good chance that a thief steals your vehicle. Engines must be ignited manually. Vehicles must be locked manually (donators have an automated lock). You can open and close both the bonnet and the boot, but you cannot store items in it just yet.

Thank you for being patient.
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Server Developer
Server Developer

Posts : 618

The vehicle script Empty
PostSubject: Re: The vehicle script   The vehicle script Icon_minitimeThu Dec 24, 2015 4:23 am

Update is live.
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The vehicle script
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