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 Buying Business Script

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Bronze Donator
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PostSubject: Buying Business Script   Buying Business Script Icon_minitimeTue Aug 02, 2011 1:21 am

There is my idea :

We should be able to buy Business,it's gona be like house but better.
Cause if you buy a house,we should be able to ''hide'' stuffs inside like drugs,weapons,money.
But if we buy a house,the one who bough it his the owner but if you'r with a gang and all members give moneys to the leader so y'all can bought a business.
Its could add Realism to the server 'cause IRL,when gang or Mafia have too much ''contrefit'' moneys,they bough a business ( restaurant,laudromat,etc...) and
they do profit with it ! For tell it simple,they transform ''Illgegal'' money into Legaly money !
So if you buy a business,you should be able to do profit with it.

Exemple : If you'r 10 in your gang,and the business cost 100k,each members should give 10k to the leader so he'll bough it ( But its rply gona be bought by all the members but technicaly,there is only 1 owner ! )
If me and my homies from SBF choose to buy the BarberShop in Seville,we pay a part ( exemple its cost 135K ) we all pay our part,than,at each Payday ( The Owner of the business should be able to get more cash cause of the profit from his business )

ATM,we're getting 500$ each payday,but depending on the Business ( More the business cost,more you do profit with it ) you can get better payday like 1k more cause of the business.

And with the money,the leader could bought new stuffs for the gang,like drugs,weapons and Hoes !!!!
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West Coast Gangsta
West Coast Gangsta

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PostSubject: Re: Buying Business Script   Buying Business Script Icon_minitimeTue Aug 02, 2011 5:17 am

This idea with the business stuff is not bad.
But we should finish the main things first.

((btw. nice signature Keelo.))
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Bronze Donator
Bronze Donator

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PostSubject: Re: Buying Business Script   Buying Business Script Icon_minitimeTue Aug 02, 2011 7:22 am

Geah,i think same things as you,i mean,this Business Script is ain't urgent,its dosn't even matter if CPT choose to add it or no,but you'r right,Most importants things should be finished first !

((Geah Thanks,Nice Signature too,Officer Tenpenny ))
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WCL Founder
WCL Founder

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PostSubject: Re: Buying Business Script   Buying Business Script Icon_minitimeWed Aug 17, 2011 6:03 pm

Meanwhile Denied, It's not so needed and aint time to talk about this yet.

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PostSubject: Re: Buying Business Script   Buying Business Script Icon_minitime

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