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 Simple, /me related, suggestion

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Simple, /me related, suggestion Empty
PostSubject: Simple, /me related, suggestion   Simple, /me related, suggestion Icon_minitimeThu Apr 24, 2014 9:20 pm

Unlike any other suggestion topic I've made, I'll make this short and easily understandable.
This has no disadvantages and doesn't require much time to be added into the game.
Simply make /me's and /do's longer. When a /me is too long it should continue as a /do, same goes about the /do's.
It will look like this:

Simple, /me related, suggestion T7v0gHT

(The first two lines are a /me and the second two lines are a /do)

For those who didn't understand, this about making the /me's letters capacity larger.

Last edited by Nightmare on Fri Apr 25, 2014 3:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Simple, /me related, suggestion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Simple, /me related, suggestion   Simple, /me related, suggestion Icon_minitimeThu Apr 24, 2014 9:29 pm

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Simple, /me related, suggestion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Simple, /me related, suggestion   Simple, /me related, suggestion Icon_minitimeThu Apr 24, 2014 11:54 pm

and the colors lol. It's just aesthetic but that purple color is way better than the cyan blue one.
But anyway, I support this.
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Simple, /me related, suggestion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Simple, /me related, suggestion   Simple, /me related, suggestion Icon_minitimeFri Apr 25, 2014 10:04 am

Isn't everyone already doing short actions in their roleplay? If not, I guess I got no problem which way some people would roleplay. What really ticks me off is the succeed or fails thing, and it's very old fashioned roleplay that was used around the time 2010 or so. What I'm trying to ask is, what's the suggestion? You want others to start roleplaying like this? I mean most people are If you ask me. I haven't seen long /me's ever since Clutch was around If anyone remembers who that is.
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Posts : 513

Simple, /me related, suggestion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Simple, /me related, suggestion   Simple, /me related, suggestion Icon_minitimeFri Apr 25, 2014 12:09 pm

Micklo wrote:
Isn't everyone already doing short actions in their roleplay? If not, I guess I got no problem which way some people would roleplay. What really ticks me off is the succeed or fails thing, and it's very old fashioned roleplay that was used around the time 2010 or so. What I'm trying to ask is, what's the suggestion? You want others to start roleplaying like this? I mean most people are If you ask me. I haven't seen long /me's ever since Clutch was around If anyone remembers who that is.

No, the suggestion is that long /me's would continue as a /do automatically. Like in LSRP.
Lately I've seen some people doing long /me's, also some /me's are just long by default and can't be shorter, and some others like to combine two /me's in one. It's really annoying that you have to continue your TWO LINES /me in a /do manually.

And you're right about the success or fail thing.
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Golden Poster
Golden Poster

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Simple, /me related, suggestion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Simple, /me related, suggestion   Simple, /me related, suggestion Icon_minitimeFri Apr 25, 2014 12:25 pm

Color shouldnt be changed we have our own style and we dont want bo copy from some popular servers, but yeag maybe me cmds should be longer (or not) i dont really care about this..
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Age : 27

Simple, /me related, suggestion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Simple, /me related, suggestion   Simple, /me related, suggestion Icon_minitimeFri Apr 25, 2014 2:03 pm

/me's and /do's are not supposed to be 5 inches long, goddammit.
Clutch was a great RPer but sometimes he knew how to overdo it with longer /me's.

I mean, you gotta focus on others' RP, you gotta focus on your reactions.
I write longer /me's and /do's when the action is complicated and demands more details.

Other than that, I'm cool with this idea.
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Server Developer
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Simple, /me related, suggestion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Simple, /me related, suggestion   Simple, /me related, suggestion Icon_minitimeFri Apr 25, 2014 5:47 pm

I find it a minor problem, in fact, a bit useless for now.
It's not hard to type a small /do to complete your /me. It takes approx. 5-6 seconds, don't be lazy.

I like the idea though.
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Post Lover
Post Lover

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Simple, /me related, suggestion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Simple, /me related, suggestion   Simple, /me related, suggestion Icon_minitimeFri Apr 25, 2014 6:37 pm

Tbh I don't we need this when we can type it ourselves
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Posts : 193

Simple, /me related, suggestion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Simple, /me related, suggestion   Simple, /me related, suggestion Icon_minitimeFri Apr 25, 2014 8:24 pm

jayke wrote:
Tbh we don't need this when we can type it ourselves
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Posts : 169
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Simple, /me related, suggestion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Simple, /me related, suggestion   Simple, /me related, suggestion Icon_minitimeFri May 02, 2014 9:39 pm

/Support Not a bad idea.
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Server Developer
Server Developer

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Simple, /me related, suggestion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Simple, /me related, suggestion   Simple, /me related, suggestion Icon_minitimeSat May 03, 2014 1:23 am

This suggestion is useless for now.

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PostSubject: Re: Simple, /me related, suggestion   Simple, /me related, suggestion Icon_minitime

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