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 Los Santos Police Department °° Laws of Los Santos

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Golden Poster
Golden Poster

Posts : 1583

Los Santos Police Department °° Laws of Los Santos Empty
PostSubject: Los Santos Police Department °° Laws of Los Santos   Los Santos Police Department °° Laws of Los Santos Icon_minitimeSun Aug 11, 2013 2:39 pm

°° Laws of Los Santos °°

Every crime is stacking, fines are stacking, you can also be CKed to have a lot of crimes in your case file, (more penalties are coming soon)


If you collect 20 negative points your driving license will be suspended.


The speed limit inside the city is 65 KM/H
The speed limit outside the city is 100 KM/H.
Driving on the highways requires no speed limitation, as long as the driver is able to control the car, and stays in his lane.
If the driver / passenger (only on front seats) doesn't have seat belt buckled up (/sb), the driver is given a fine of $300.
If the driver don't have lights turned on, the driver is given a fine of $300
If the driver / passenger doesn't wear helmet while driving on motorbike, the driver is given a fine of $300.


If the speed limit is slightly exceeded, the driver is given a fine of $350.
If the speed limit is exceeded, the driver is given a fine of $550, and 2 negative points.
If the speed limit is over-exceeded, the driver is given a fine of $1200, and 5 negative points.
Driving without a license will result in the driver being detained for 45 mins for questioning, and $1800 fine, plus the car is impounded.


If driver's vehicle contain NOS, driver will be fined for $2000, and car will be impounded
If driver's vehicle contain Hydraulic, driver will be fined for $1000, and car will be impounded.


If the driver "drifts" the curve he receives $300 fine, if the driver is caught doing so multiple times he receives $1500 fine and 2 negative points.(depends on how many times driver, drift the curve.)
If the driver is drive over sidewalk he receives $300 fine, if the driver is caught doing so multiple times he receives $1500 fine and 2 negative points.(depends on how many times driver, drive over/on side walk)
If the driver is driving on wrong side of the road he receives $500 fine and if the driver is caught doing so multiple times he receives $1500 fine and 5 negative points (penalty depends on how many times is driver driving on opposite side of road).
If the driver is driving on wrong side of High way he receives $2000 fine, and suspension of driving license, and as well driver's car will be impounded.
If the driver has crashed an object, he receives 2 negative points and a fine of $300.
If the driver is caught doing so multiple times in a short period of time, his license is suspended for a month, and receives a $1500 fine.
If the driver damages government property, he is given a fine of $600 and 3 negative points.
If the driver damages government property at a normal rate, he's given a fine of $800, and 5 negative points.
If the driver severely damages government property, he is given a fine of $1000, and 6 negative points.
If the driver is caught driving with visual damage to his car, he will be given a fine of $350.
If the driver is caught driving with moderate damage to his car((white smoke)), he will be given a fine of $900 and suspension of driving license for a week.
If the driver is caught driving with severe damage to his car((black smoke)), he is given a $1500 fine and suspension of driving license for a month.


Driving in sewer lines, will result in $1000 fine and 2 negative points.
Crossing rail road where there is no road to cross it over, will result in $1500 fine and 4 negative points. (police officers can do it (with sirens) but only if there is emergency - chase, important backup...)
Driving on rail road for more than 2 seconds will result in $2000 fine and suspension of driving license.
Driving and disturbing at crime scene area, will result in $600 fine.
Driving in the public parks or on the places where there is not a proper road for traffic will result in $800 fine.


If the driver causes an accidental car crash, he is given a $700 fine and 4 negative points.
If the driver causes a car accident due to speeding / reckless driving, he is given a fine of $1500, and suspension of driving license for a month.
If the driver causes a car accident that results in other individuals(s)' death, he's jailed for 45 mins, a fine of $2500 and the Driver's license will be suspended for 3 months.
If the driver commits the same incident stated above, he will be given a 60 mins year sentence and a fine of $4000, and the permanent suspension of his/hers Driving License.

Driving Under Influence(DUI) / Driving While Intoxicated(DWI)

NOTE:Alcohol limit must not be above 0.4%

If the driver is caught having an alcohol level of 0.5% - 0.6%, he will be fined $600 and 2 negative points, as well as transported home, and the car impounded.
If the driver is caught having an alcohol level of 0.7% and above, he will have his license suspended for 2 weeks, and a fine of $900, as well as the car being impounded.
If the driver is caught having an alcohol level of 1% and above, he will have his license suspended for 1 month, 20 mins jail time and a fine of $1400, as well as the car being impounded.
If the driver is caught driving under the influence of Marijuana he will be given a fine of $1100, car impounded and 20 mins jail time.
If the driver is caught driving under the influence of other hard drugs, he will have his Driver's License suspended for 3 weeks, and a fine of $1800, as well as the car being impounded and a sentence up to 30 mins.


If individual is caught at attempt to steal a vehicle, he will be jailed for 30 mins and fined for the damage that he caused to vehicle (broken windows, locks...).
If individual is caught driving the stolen car he will be jailed for 45 mins and fined for any damage that he did while driving the vehicle, as well car will be impounded and returned to owner.
If the individual is caught at robbery (street robbery...) he will be jailed for 45 mins.
If the individual is caught at attempt of burglary he will be jailed for 20 mins.
If the individual is caught at burglary he will be jailed for 45 mins and fined for any damage he caused to the property (shops, warehouses,houses...).
If individual steal the item(s) from shop, stolen items will be sized and returned back to the show owner, individual will be arrested for 30 mins.



If the individual is caught carrying a knife with the blade over 5cm, he will be disarmed and fined $800, if repeated he will be jailed for 30 mins.
If the individual is caught carrying a combat knife(blade over 10cm), he will be disarmed and fined $1600, as well as 60 mins jail if repeated.


If the individual is caught carrying a handgun / firearm without authorization, he will be disarmed, ticketed $1200, and banned from having a Gun permit.If repeated, jail time of up to 30 mins.
If the individual is caught carrying a semi-automated weapon without authorization, he will be disarmed, ticketed $2000, banned from having a Gun Permit, jailed for 45 mins, and if repeated, jail time of up to 60 mins.
If the individuals is caught carrying full-automatic weapons, without proper authorization, he will be disarmed, ticketed $4000, banned from having a Gun Permit, jailed for 60 mins, and if repeated, jail time of up to 90 mins.


If the individual is caught selling drugs in a small amount(up to 15 grams), he will be jailed for 40-50 mins, and fined $1500.
If the individual is caught selling drugs in a large amount(15 grams and up), he will be jailed for 90 mins and fined $3500.(here is possible to CK if player have any other high level crime in his case file)
If the individual is caught selling handguns, he will be fined $1500 and jailed for 30 mins.
If the individual is caught selling semi-automated weapons, he will be fined $2500, and jailed up to 60 mins.
If the individual is caught selling heavy weapons, he will be fined $4000, and jailed up to 90 mins.
If the individual is caught carrying below 25 grams, he will be fined $1000., and 60 mins of jail.
If the individual is caught carrying over 25, he will be fined $2000, and up to 90 mins of jail. (here is possible to CK if player have any other high level crime in his case file)


Resisting to cooperate in any way (at arrest, frisking, car search, interrogation...) will results in a $500 and jail for 20 mins.
Disrespecting a LEO / Not following instructions, threatening  results in a $300 fine.If did multiple times, the individual will be detained for 15 mins.
Attempting escape on a LEO results in a $500 fine and the individual will be detained up to 48h 20 mins.
Attacking LEO in any way (pushing him, attempt to punch him, tackle him...) will result in a $1500 fine and 30 mins of jail.
Attempt of murder LEO will result in a 90 mins of jail.
Assaulting of a LEO results in a $3000 fine and the individual will be given a sentence of up to 40 mins.
Murdering a LEO results in a $5000 fine and the individual will be given a sentence of up to 120 mins
Murdering of several LEOs(3 and up) will result in the individual(s) being sentenced for life CK.


Shooting in public will result in a sentence of up to 20 mins
Sexual Assaulting an individual will result in a sentence of up to 40 - 50 mins and a fine of $3000.
Raping an individual will result in a sentence of up to 80 mins and a fine of $3000.
Assaulting an individual will result in a sentence of up to 40 - 50 mins and a fine of $2500.
Attempt of murder of an individual will result in a sentence of up to 60 mins.
Murdering an individual will result in a sentence of up to 90 mins.
Murdering several individuals will result in a sentence of up to 120 mins.
Murder of high-standing governmental persons(Chief Of Police / Officer that earned medal of valor /Governor) will result of sentence of 180 mins.(here is possible to CK if player have any other high level crime in his case file)

Credits for most of the laws goes to Meebo, some are edited / added by me Bull / Buhinc.
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