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 ✰ Los Santos Police Department - Police Application Form ✰

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WCL Player
WCL Player

Posts : 87

✰ Los Santos Police Department - Police Application Form ✰ Empty
PostSubject: ✰ Los Santos Police Department - Police Application Form ✰   ✰ Los Santos Police Department - Police Application Form ✰ Icon_minitimeThu Aug 02, 2012 6:48 pm

When you make your application you will post a new topic in the section named ''APPLICATIONS''. Your topic has to be named ''Firstname Lastname's Police Application''

Example: Henry Blackwell's Police Application.

[b][size=18]In Character Section[/size]


[b]Date of birth ((Server year is 1994.)):[/b]

African American []
Hispanic []
Caucasian []
Asian []

[b]Why do you wish to become a part of the Los Santos Police Department?:[/b]

[b]Tell us about yourself:[/b]

[b]Do you have any past knowledge of police work?:[/b]

[b]What do you think about corruption?:[/b]

[b]If there was an officer in the Police Department who was corrupt, how would you handle the situation?[/b]


[b][size=18]Out Of Character Section[/size]

[b]Rate your roleplay from 0-10:[/b]

[b]Explain metagaming and give a good example which isn't about PM metagaming or seeing someone's name above their head:[/b]

[b]Explain powergaming and give a good example of powergaming aswell:[/b]

[b]Anything that you would like to add?:[/b]

In Character Section

✰ Los Santos Police Department - Police Application Form ✰ Recruitment

Date of birth ((Server year is 1994.)):

African American []
Hispanic []
Caucasian []
Asian []

Why do you wish to become a part of the Los Santos Police Department?:

Tell us about yourself:

Do you have any past knowledge of police work?:

What do you think about corruption?:

If there was an officer in the Police Department who was corrupt, how would you handle the situation?


Out Of Character Section

Rate your roleplay from 0-10:

Explain metagaming and give a good example which isn't about PM metagaming or seeing someone's name above their head:

Explain powergaming and give a good example of powergaming aswell:

Anything that you would like to add?:
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✰ Los Santos Police Department - Police Application Form ✰
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