Posts : 306 Age : 25 Location : Lexington Idlewood
Subject: Los Santos Police Department °° TV Channel Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:02 am
Welcome to the Los Santos Police Department TV Channel.Today we got officialy news about the new chief who'll take care about our Police station and work.
Name: Jimmy Jackson Age: 43 Jimmy was born 12.4.1970 in the small hospital in Fort Carson, His father is Scott Jackson and his mother is Ann Jackson. Scott is employed as sheriff in Fort Carson, and his mom is cleaner at the Burger Shot. Jim had nice childhood, as almost every child in Fort Carson. Jim was outside with his friends every day, all day, they were playing different games, hide and seek, football but his best game with friends was »Cops and robbers«, they picked up the radnom wooden sticks which were served as a gun, they made teams and start running and hiding around buildings and so on… But with time they grew up and start walking in Elementary school thogether which was placed in Fort Carson. He wasn't really good in school but he made it, he decided to be mechanic so he went to Central mechanic school in Las Venturas, after he completed it, he was searching for job, but his dad said if he want to work at Fort Carson police station and repair their cars, and Jim agreed with that so he start working as mechanic in garage of Fort Carson police station, his dad already had one mechanic there, his name was Bobby Brown(Pelle) and he was two years younger than Jim. They became a good friends with time actually best friends. Some days where there was not so much dangerous crime reports from Las Venturas, Jim's father took Jim and Bobby on patrol with him, because this was very interesting to them, they decided to go on with schooling, so Jim and Bob decided to go on Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security in Las Venturas. With 3 month waiting they got the answer from school – they both were accepted, also they was in the same class, so they moved in middle of Las Venturas and they rent an apartment there and with years they finished the school and Police Academy. With time they got the job in LVPD but, because LSPD was running out of officers they both were moved to LSPD, when they were there there was a chief named Frank Tenpenny ([PD]Jefferson), most of people were talking that he is corrupted, but he was always loyal to his employed officers and cadets. So now Jim is living in Marina and working on LSPD with Bob, he still got contacts with his friends and parents.
* We can add that two of old police officers got the really big promotions *
One of them is officier Bobby Brown who got the position as the Assistant Chief and he took over the S.W.A.T division. Brown has been married four times. In 1957, he married Mary Ann Wheeler, but divorced her in 1962. In 1963, he married Leslie Lane, a fellow college student, and they divorced in 1965. In 1966, he married Laurie Young, but they divorced in 1969. On June 15, 1972, Bobby left the police department to move to Europe. In 1973, he married a woman named Marianne from the Netherlands, who was his final wife; she died from cancer in 1980. He decided to return to the United States afterwards.His only child, son Alexander, was born March 15, 1980. On June 27th 2013 the USA Section of ANPS (National Association of Italian State Police) assigns him the "Saint Michael Archangel Prize", on official award by the Italian State Police with the Sponsorship of the Italian Ministry of Interior. "Bobby" Brown is now an Italian Citizen: during the same Ceremony, he has received his first Italian Passport, after a long research by the Presidente of ANPS USA, Chief Inspector Cirelli, who established the 'ius sanguinis', allowing him to gain the Italian Citizenship.After some time,he was thinking about the getting the job in San Andreas.He went to San Fierro academy,finished it as the cadet.Since the San Fierro Police stations were really full,he went back to the Los Santos Police Department,as the PO I.,he got the big promotion to the Assistang Chief
The other one is the officier Frank Tennpeny who got the promotion to the Deputy Chief. Frank Tenpenny is one mean cop. He hates all gangs and will do whatever it takes to remove it from his city. Whatever it takes. He's the Deputy Chief of LSPD now and doesn't care how many laws he breaks on his quest to rid Los Santos from gang warfare. He doesn't just go about killing everyone when he feels like it though. He's a clever man who uses whoever he can get. If two gangs will splatter each others guts on the sidewalk so he doesn't have to, he'll happily provoke such an action. All of his hypocrisy eventually causes problems across Los Santos which can't end up good for him.
Look our news tommorrow in the same time.Good bye.
.::Lil_Jamal::. Hitman
Posts : 306 Age : 25 Location : Lexington Idlewood
Subject: Re: Los Santos Police Department °° TV Channel Wed Jul 10, 2013 5:40 pm
Today,the new staff of LSPD showed us that they're the right team for this job.They stopped the criminals and drug dealing at factory and Jefferson Mote.The diffirence is that the criminals were diffirent.The team who was dealing at factory probably was from side of Grove Street,and Jefferson Motel of the Ballas.By the LSPD chief Jimmy Jackson who got the promotion yesterday,they stopped the one side,and by the SWAT chief Bobby Brown they destroyed criminal line of drug dealing.Here we took some parts of todays actions.
Buhinc Golden Poster
Posts : 1583
Subject: Re: Los Santos Police Department °° TV Channel Wed Jul 17, 2013 5:19 pm
Today on 17.7.2013, We have a special notice! LSPD arrested Dwayne Williams, Police Officer I, that is responsible for murder of civilian in the alley in Jefferson! Witnesses said that four shot was able to hear, first three shots and after few seconds there was one more shot able to hear. Chief of LSPD Jimmy Jackson confirmed that Dwayne Williams attempted to make suicide after murder but officer Michael Rossler prevent this from happening with fast respond he saved Dwayne's life and brings him to the hand of justice, so officer Dwayne was jailed for life penalty. Chief also confirmed that he promoted officer Michael Rossler to Police officer III, congratulation Michael!
That's all for today's Los Santons Police Department TV Channel news. Watch our news tomorrow at the same time, I was with you Jen Brown, thanks for watching and good bye.
Buhinc Golden Poster
Posts : 1583
Subject: Re: Los Santos Police Department °° TV Channel Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:16 pm
Hello citizens of Los Santos! Today we have a special notice for you! Yesterday on 17.7.2013, was notorious leader of Temple Drive Ballas, Darnell Jones also known as D.J arrested and executed by Los Santos Police Department for his past crimes! *camera turns in the left a bit, you can notice chief of Los Santos Police Department in stuido with news reporter*
We also invited chief of LSPD Jimmy Jackson to our studio, so hello Jimmy, tell us how did everything started ?
Jimmy Jackson: Hello, Uh so how everything started it's long story, but Darnell was involved in many crimes..
Jen Brown: What kind of crimes?
Jimmy Jackson: All kind of crimes, extortion, possessing illegal firearms, attempt of murder, murders, evading police chases, using gun in public, and also he killed more than 4 law enforcers...
Jen Brown: So tell us yesterday's story, how did you get him ?
Jimmy Jackson: I didn't get it alone, but I collected every evidence that was used against him, also I say that I'm very proud on my employees, they did a really great job, and I will also say to major of Los Santos to reward every brave officer who was involved in this action. So everything started when I pulled over a reckless driver yesterday, he fallowed to my orders but after few seconds he just press on gas with attempt to evade me, I was chasing him all to Market actually more specific location Temple Drive Ballas's turf, they left the car there and ran in some kind of studio, I called for backup every available at that moment, so officer Henry McClough came to help me, after some time they tried to escape from back door at that studio and I saw them climbing on shop roofs, but I and officer Henry McClough arrested one of them, after we took him to PD I took the helicopter for air support and I noticed Darnell at same area he was before - Market, I called all units again and than everything started, first long pursuit over the Los Santos streets, but at end they tried to steal another car near Clucking bell in Willowfield but they failed, because backup was there to fast and they tried to escape on foot, officer Cortel Williams arrested him and escort him to the most secured prison in Blueberry, after this Darnell was executed by LSPD, and that's all
Jen Brown: That was so exciting story Mr. Jimmy, but tell us who else was involved in that action ?
Jimmy Jackson: I, Bobby Brown, Cortel Williams, Henry McClough, and officer James.
Jen Brown: Citizens of Los Santos must be proud on you.
Jimmy Jackson: Yeah I already get praises from a lot people also major, but the biggest praise goes to my employees, they risked so much, but I must say that everything was very good organized.
Jen Brown: Was there any casualties?
Jimmy Jackson: As I said there was everything organized very good so there wasn't any casualties.
Jen Brown: Very good Mr.Jimmy, and last question, it was hard to find that notorious gangster Darnell ?
Jimmy Jackson: I would lie if I say yes, so.. It wasn't hard to find him, I must say he wasn't really clever, because he was returning to same spot every time, but LSPD was searching for him at every corner and small street in Los Santos.
Jen Brown: *nods* I must say that was really great move from LSPD, now also citizens around Market and Temple will feel much safer, congratulations Mr.Jimmy and congratulations to your employees!
Jimmy Jackson: That's true, and thank you *cracks a smile*
So this was interview with chief of LSPD, I hope they will do more actions against notorious leaders and thanks for watching today's news, watch us at evening on same channel! That's all for today's Los Santons Police Department TV Channel news. I was with you Jen Brown, thanks for watching and good bye.
Buhinc Golden Poster
Posts : 1583
Subject: Re: Los Santos Police Department °° TV Channel Fri Jul 19, 2013 1:47 pm
Hello citizens of Los Santos! Today we have a special notice for you! Yesterday on 18.7.2013, was leader of Lanza Project Families, Cortez Deleon arrested and executed by Los Santos Police Department for his past crimes!
Chief of LSPD Jimmy Jackson told us the story and refused to come to our studio because he was busy with his job.
Yesterday Jimmy get a call from unknown caller that group of people is blocking the road in Idlewood near rap studio, as he came there, he warn them and called officers to handle the riot, riot was organized by Cortez Deleon, after few warns by chief, they parked the car and went away from location after some time they blocked the road again in Idlewood gas station, near Alhambra club. Officers came armed with rubber bullets armors, smoke bombs and that was not in vain, because people involved in riot attacked officers, officers used everything non lethal on them, as people involved in riot start running away they start using real guns, so situation was really bad yesterday in Idlewood, but officers arrested Cortez Deleon for his crimes that was performed at riot.
After few hours they went on court and as judge seen at evidences that was given from LSPD was enough to execute Mr.Cortez Deleon.
Chief of LSPD Jimmy Jackson told us that riot was organized because of executing Mr.Darnell Jones, also known as D.J, and as we know Cortez and Darnell were friends, both had enough filled casefile, that's why they were most wanted persons in Los Santos.
The informations who was involved in action from officers was not given.
That's all for today's Los Santons Police Department TV Channel news. I was with you Jen Brown, thanks for watching and good bye.
Buhinc Golden Poster
Posts : 1583
Subject: Re: Los Santos Police Department °° TV Channel Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:20 am
Hello citizens of Los Santos! Today we have a special notice for you! Yesterday on 20.7.2013, Chief of LSPD Jimmy Jackson told us that there was a raid in the Idlewood "Castle", it was not in vain, because officers found 20 grams of cocaine, but the most important thing is that the drugs were found in Demetrius Deleon's house and he was connected with Cortez Deleon that was executed three days ago. Demetrius Deleon was also arrested for threatening to chief of LSPD, Chief also told us that they are trying to revenge somehow for Cortez Deleon.
That's all for today's Los Santos Police Department TV Channel news. I was with you Jen Brown, thanks for watching and good bye.
Buhinc Golden Poster
Posts : 1583
Subject: Re: Los Santos Police Department °° TV Channel Wed Jul 31, 2013 12:25 pm
Hello citizens of Los Santos! Today we have a special notice for you! on 29.7.2013, Chief of LSPD Jimmy Jackson told us that there was another execution of notorious gang member in Glen Park, his name is Chuck Taylor also known as "Dizzy" and he was known person in street gang Kilo Tray Ballas located in Glen Park, Jim also told us that he was chasing him for long time and it was most wanted person in the town by LSPD and also his enemies, chief told us that two officers wanted to pull over a car who was speeding, but the driver didn't listen to orders and instead to stop the car he pressed on gas hardly with attempt to escape, but he was unlucky, officers caught them at Idlewood, behind Alhambra club, there were three suspects escaping that's why one of officers shoot Chuck in leg, and another one was tackled, after they arrested two there was third one attempting to help them and distract officers, one of officers was hardly injured in one of the buildings near that location, and a suspect escaped and released one of arrested persons, they are still wanted by LSPD, but Chuck Taylor was the unlucky guy who was guilty for more than 5 murders, attempts of murder, robberies and much more, and was also executed by LSPD officers, Chuck Taylor was also connected with Darnell Jones also known as "D.J" and with Cortez Deleon also known as "Domino", Chief told us also that there was attack on officer yesterday in Willowfield, for unknown reason, but there was two suspects arrested, as chief said that attack wasn't connected with Chuck's execution, because crime in Glen Park is now on really low rate, and citizens and also major are excited on LSPD actions.
Good luck in future LSPD. That's all for today's Los Santos Police Department TV Channel news. I was with you Jen Brown, thanks for watching and good bye.
Buhinc Golden Poster
Posts : 1583
Subject: Re: Los Santos Police Department °° TV Channel Wed Jan 15, 2014 2:51 pm
Hello citizens of Los Santos! You are watching today's news on 23. channel. Yesterday on 14.1.2014 we received information from LSPD, the shooter who attempted to kill two officers in Jefferson was finally arrested by officers that was working undercover, as they told us they saw him at Market, but he escaped. After officers was searching him around town they spot him at Gasso Gas station in East Los Santos / Jefferson. As officers told us they recognized him by clothes and he had same bike as before, after successful action they took it to the LSPD for further actions.
After they took the suspect to the judge in Commerce, suspect Tyrell Jones filed a complaint over one of the officers because of possible police brutality while arresting progress, LSPD chief Manson Drake said only that, Tyrell Jones was resisting at arrest progress also he spit at the officer, that's why force was used in the arrest progress.
That's all for today's Los Santos Police Department TV Channel news. I was with you Jen Brown, thanks for watching and good bye.
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Subject: Re: Los Santos Police Department °° TV Channel