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 West Coast Life - Hustle and Live v1.53 [UPDATE]

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Server Developer
Server Developer

Posts : 618

West Coast Life - Hustle and Live v1.53 [UPDATE] Empty
PostSubject: West Coast Life - Hustle and Live v1.53 [UPDATE]   West Coast Life - Hustle and Live v1.53 [UPDATE] Icon_minitimeSun May 14, 2017 7:35 pm

The server is currently locked during and little after the update to make sure it was successful!

West Coast Life - Hustle and Live v1.53 [UPDATE] 80e6e75c-38d8-11e7-8677-e5aa7f990da5
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Server Developer
Server Developer

Posts : 618

West Coast Life - Hustle and Live v1.53 [UPDATE] Empty
PostSubject: Re: West Coast Life - Hustle and Live v1.53 [UPDATE]   West Coast Life - Hustle and Live v1.53 [UPDATE] Icon_minitimeSun May 14, 2017 9:44 pm

We're experiencing an unexpected issue with the server. Hopefully I can resolve it within the next few hours.
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Server Developer
Server Developer

Posts : 618

West Coast Life - Hustle and Live v1.53 [UPDATE] Empty
PostSubject: Re: West Coast Life - Hustle and Live v1.53 [UPDATE]   West Coast Life - Hustle and Live v1.53 [UPDATE] Icon_minitimeMon May 15, 2017 2:59 pm

The issue has been resolved and I can continue updating. However, as direct feedback, I was advised to introduce new updates to a limited amount of people to test the stability of the update before allowing everyone to join. Ultimately reducing the chances of massive data corruption or any other data-breaking bug.

Anyone that wants to test today and tomorrow, please send me a message and I'll send you the password. The server is 100% guaranteed open to the public tomorrow night!

Worth noting is that data saved during these test periods is not rolled back. Meaning that you just get to play on the updated server earlier than anyone else.
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Server Developer
Server Developer

Posts : 618

West Coast Life - Hustle and Live v1.53 [UPDATE] Empty
PostSubject: Re: West Coast Life - Hustle and Live v1.53 [UPDATE]   West Coast Life - Hustle and Live v1.53 [UPDATE] Icon_minitimeTue May 16, 2017 8:16 pm

- Readded /cmds
- Readded /settings (automated roleplay, roleplay color and automated lock)
- Readded part of /stats (phone number and cash)
- Readded /time (also includes time left till next paycheck)
- Readded /bots
- Readded random server info messages
- Fixed /shop in the Willowfield hardware store
- Fixed player remaining frozen when exiting a dealership vehicle
- Renamed emmet's text label it now says: "/emmet" instead of "/shop"
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West Coast Life - Hustle and Live v1.53 [UPDATE] Empty
PostSubject: Re: West Coast Life - Hustle and Live v1.53 [UPDATE]   West Coast Life - Hustle and Live v1.53 [UPDATE] Icon_minitime

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West Coast Life - Hustle and Live v1.53 [UPDATE]
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