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 Los Santos Times: Playa Del Seville Urban Community Development

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[AFK]Lil Dan
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[AFK]Lil Dan

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Los Santos Times: Playa Del Seville Urban Community Development Empty
PostSubject: Los Santos Times: Playa Del Seville Urban Community Development   Los Santos Times: Playa Del Seville Urban Community Development Icon_minitimeFri Jul 26, 2013 11:53 am

 Los Santos Times: Playa Del Seville Urban Community Development 6a011168586588970c0133f5b8a455970b-400wi
Playa Del Seville Community Development Project has started.

In one of the gang ridden neighborhoods on the eastside, the infamous Playa Del Seville, a project dedicated to community growth and development has started. The current aim of the project is cleaning the sport grounds in the neighborhood, get better garbage removing system, benches for the basketball courts, and new fresh grass fields and trees.

The initiative of the projet began few weeks ago, when a group of young afro americans signed a pettition about cleaning the residental area in their neighborhood. It is reported that the project started unofficialy when four teenagers, without requiring any money in return, started cleaning the local sport ground of the trash , installed a new basket and re-done the stripes on the courts. Following that day, many young individuals  started with cleaning their neighborhood as sign of respect to the community. Soon enough, the neighborhood is a lot more cleaner.
As we know, the city hall processed their pettition succesfully, and the national bank will deposit required money for the project to the individual overlookin the operation. The citizens of Los Santos hope that this will allow kids to take themselves of the dirty streets, breathe cleaner air, and do sports instead of drugs. 

The representitive gave us a piece of information to their plans and motives.
*The display shows DeShawn Brown getting interviewed*
''The whole project is not about, cleaning the streets, its about cleaning our little world. Playa Del Seville is a small place, and literally, we all know eachother here. You'd say that nobody wakes up one day and pops an idea ''hey lets clean the hood''. Well, we did. As the summer break started recently, we decided to spend our holidays best way we could. Most of children here live in world influented by drugs and violence. People would be suprprised if they knew how many used needles, smoked joints and hollow bullets we found around the neighborhood, the children doesnt deserve that. Yes, we fight, we fight for our community and we shall protect it, no one else gonna do our own duty, we have to do it ourself. We have an old basketball field here, its renewed, the people shoot the basketball there again rather than doing something non-productive. Next on our list is revival of the grassfield around the housig projects, new garbage delivery system and more. We hope that we will reach the level of supports to help Mrs. Robertson, now an unemployed single mother, and her 2 years old child who lost their beloved husband and father in drug wars, and untill then, we wont stop our struggle untill we make a better envrinoment for us.''

Lets not forget that the Playa Del Seville had lowered crime rates in last years, and now this project started, maybe this war torn neighborhood will finally see the daylight in peace.
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Los Santos Times: Playa Del Seville Urban Community Development Empty
PostSubject: Re: Los Santos Times: Playa Del Seville Urban Community Development   Los Santos Times: Playa Del Seville Urban Community Development Icon_minitimeFri Jul 26, 2013 12:02 pm

[PD]Weedie: Finally. People should start doing this with other neighborhoods aswell.
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West Coast Gangsta
West Coast Gangsta

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Los Santos Times: Playa Del Seville Urban Community Development Empty
PostSubject: Re: Los Santos Times: Playa Del Seville Urban Community Development   Los Santos Times: Playa Del Seville Urban Community Development Icon_minitimeFri Jul 26, 2013 12:59 pm

[SBF]Nyne: I knew it was starting to look good around here.
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