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 Los Santos Times: Another mob war in Los Santos.

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West Coast Gangsta
West Coast Gangsta

Posts : 675

Los Santos Times: Another mob war in Los Santos. Empty
PostSubject: Los Santos Times: Another mob war in Los Santos.   Los Santos Times: Another mob war in Los Santos. Icon_minitimeMon Jul 22, 2013 5:03 am

Los Santos Times: Another mob war in Los Santos. 2-7
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Golden Poster
Golden Poster

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Los Santos Times: Another mob war in Los Santos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Los Santos Times: Another mob war in Los Santos.   Los Santos Times: Another mob war in Los Santos. Icon_minitimeMon Jul 22, 2013 5:16 am

*Michael reaches for the newspaper on the glass table, he takes it and flips it open beginning to read.

*Michael lets out a deep sigh as he begins shaking his head in disappointment after raising his eyebrow.
Michael says: Is this the kinda' garbage they're puttin' out there, man? Fa' real? This ain't even news, nigga, those John Gotti Wannabe fags tryna' show they be tough, they ain't getting nowhere, real talk, ahaha, John Gotti Wannabe, my favorite rhyme naoo' foo'.
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Golden Poster
Golden Poster

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Los Santos Times: Another mob war in Los Santos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Los Santos Times: Another mob war in Los Santos.   Los Santos Times: Another mob war in Los Santos. Icon_minitimeMon Jul 22, 2013 8:22 am

 *[KTB]Loc reads the article and laughs softly.*
[KTB]Loc: Fo' real *laugh* That shit crack me up.
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Golden Poster
Golden Poster

Posts : 1583

Los Santos Times: Another mob war in Los Santos. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Los Santos Times: Another mob war in Los Santos.   Los Santos Times: Another mob war in Los Santos. Icon_minitimeMon Jul 22, 2013 10:25 am

[PD]Buhinc grabs the cup of coffee and put it on table.
[PD]Buhinc starts walking towards exit door and open it, picks up the newspaper from grass and went back in house, close and lock the door afterwards.

/do Sunny and hot weather, kids are playing on the street, their voice and yelling could be heard in house (([PD]Buhinc))

[PD]Buhinc throws the newspaper on table and sits on chair, afterwards takes a sip of coffee and starts reading the newspaper, eyes the tittle "Another mob war in Los Santos"

/do after few minutes of reading (([PD]Buhinc))

I knew that Giuseppe Costello is involved in Crime Family but I didn't know he will start making problems so fast, I will speak with him if he knows anything about this, first stealing and selling car's plates, than a scene that I guess it was kidnap, shooting and attempt of murder and now this...Work is waiting on me...

[PD]Buhinc closes the newspaper and pushes his self from chair as he walks towards club table in the living room, grabs the duty belt and puts it on, grabs the pillow from couch and lifts it up, extends his arm towards gun placed under the pillow and puts it in hostler, afterwards steps towards exit doors, unlocks them and steps out of house, close and locks the door afterwards, sits in his black buffalo and drives off...

(( This is how should good IC topic looks like, no bullshit in it and no fake stories... Well done ))
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PostSubject: Re: Los Santos Times: Another mob war in Los Santos.   Los Santos Times: Another mob war in Los Santos. Icon_minitime

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Los Santos Times: Another mob war in Los Santos.
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