1.) First Name: Jacob.
2.) Last Name: Harris.
3.) Date of Birth: 1990.
4.) Place of Birth: Los Santos, San Andreas.
5.) Character Biography: Born in Los Santos, Jacob Harris lived in a 3 member family consisting of himself, Jacob, his mother, Lorenta, and his father the police officer, John. Whilst growing up Jacob admired his father John, he always wanted to become like him when he grew up, it was his dream to become a police officer. But Jacob's mother Lorenta wasn't really pleased to hear that, she didn't want her son to put his life to risk the same way her husband does. Therefor she has forced Jacob to finish college before applying for the police, so he can have a safe job if something happens to him. And here we are in the year 2013.
6.) Age (OOC): 13.
7.) Country (OOC): Croatia.
8.) Current server nickname: Gundus{Alternative}, Jameer{Main}.
9.) Past server nicknames and factions: Gundus and Jameer with around 7-8 faction tags.
10.) How long have you been a member of this server?: Around 1.5 year.
11.) Have you ever been banned from this server (if yes, what account and why)?: Not that I know of.
12.) List any other role play servers you have played on: SOLS, Ghetto Life Roleplay, LS-RP(briefly), CH-RP and some others.
13.) Why do you wish to join this faction?: I used to be a [PD] member and I wish to experience it again.
14.) Do you posses any law enforcement area knowledge or role play experience?: Yes.
15.) If yes, what kind of?: I was once leader, and 2 times a member of the [PD].
16.) Explain what is role play and its basics: Role-Play is a simulation of real life through a video game(which doesn't have to be SA-MP).
17.) Explain what is meta game and give two different examples: Meta-Gaming is using OOC information IC and vice versa.
Example #1:
John gets a /pm that Carmen is in trouble at Glen Park therefor he uses the information he gained through the command of /pm and pours it into his character thus rushing to Glen Park.
Example #2:
John sees Glen but they haven't met each other in Role-Play yet but John shouts "'Sup, Glen?" anyway.
18.) Explain what is power game and give two different examples: Power-Gaming is doing actions that are impossible in real life or forcing a player to role-play a situation he does not wish to be a part of.
Example #1:
John jumps down from a high building without role-playing any damage done to himself.
Example #2:
A police car is chasing John, John's car gets on fire and he gets out of it. The policemen aim at John but he refuses to raise his hands in the air and then brawls them.