When starting to RP a gang member you need to RP young guy that wants to show leaders that he can be down for the set,also when you going to hood RP you can do:Get some new clothes,roll dice,get some beers,cigars,chill in hood,patrol.
Also when you have your own store,maybe make one adveritments,and make the money also you can make money by rolling dice,RP some man that you doing jobs for so he can give you the RP money also,transfersions of the drugs with the gang van you have.
Attacking and Making respect:
When you attack your enemies be sure that you have enough allies/your gang member so they can/try to cover you while shooting the other gang members,when attacking,leader can give you respect because of helping them,if you trying to be leader make alot of respect in the gang and then when leader needs to go somewhere ICly or OOCly,he put you incharge,also when RPing a youngster OG'z gives you missions to do,then also you can earn respect by making mission sucefull.
Cop roleplay:
Cop roleplay is something that you will enjoy,same as Gang Roleplay,if you are cop,only on the server,do some RPly paperwork,or do some registration check RPly on some cars,or RP arresting someone,since if you are cop,don't be corrupt unless,your charchter is RPing that,also,when doing missions all kind of operations,missions,you need to respect the Head of the Department,Chief,Chief knows alot than a officer or a cadet,when making controls,don't walk to the car with gun,do not show gun in the public,because RPly ppl could scare of you,wear it in belt,use radio if some problems going on,also now you becaming a officer,now you trying to protect and serve you are new in force,ALWAYS have a respect to civillans and to Chief with nice behaviour,and attidute,always respect them,if you don't know some prices of tickets or minutes for jail you may ask Chief.Also you can take equipment that is for your rank,when on duty,also gangmembers will need to show fear to the cops especally youngsters,hoodrats,they even salute some times at the cops,make your RP better a little bit,also if you need a grammar guide or more info here are the links:https://west-life.forummo.com/t3225-grammar-skills,https://west-life.forummo.com/t1927-guide-african-character-ideas-names-activies-fears,hope you learned something new!