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 NEW ADDED: Armsdealers in Los Santos

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PostSubject: NEW ADDED: Armsdealers in Los Santos   NEW ADDED: Armsdealers in Los Santos Icon_minitimeThu Aug 04, 2011 12:51 pm

Me (Boelie) and good old Compton are happy to announce npc's / bots in our server for the first time.

As pro scripter of the server i feel like explaining you something about the NPCs (Non-Playing Characters, also known as 'bots').
Because of sa-mp limits npc's cant be killed ..at least not in this version..
you cant jack an npc his car either... Now i wont make you tired telling you more limits i just want you to know a scripter needs to be
very creative making a nice working npc. ..i could make them killable..but that would look real buggy..

All NPCs have there own small scripted AI ('artificial inteligence' ) all created by myself so they are very unique.
Unique things makes buggy things so there will be updates in the future to make it look smoother. No need to post bugs you face because
i know them all.
Ai' ght now these NPCs i made are weapon dealers. All you have to do is stand close to them and you get a menu choosing a weapon.
If you dont get the menu then you might wanna write 'deal' and the npc will talk to you.
Theres also one weapon dealer driving around. Sit next to him in his car and there ya go buy your metal!

Have Fun!

lowriding Boelie (BoelieBeast)
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† Maniac †
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PostSubject: Re: NEW ADDED: Armsdealers in Los Santos   NEW ADDED: Armsdealers in Los Santos Icon_minitimeFri Aug 05, 2011 10:21 pm

wooow so cool Smile !
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Posts : 225

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PostSubject: Re: NEW ADDED: Armsdealers in Los Santos   NEW ADDED: Armsdealers in Los Santos Icon_minitimeMon Sep 19, 2011 11:40 am

Ol' Familie wrote:
wooow so cool Smile !
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Posts : 2865
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Location : Serbia

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PostSubject: Re: NEW ADDED: Armsdealers in Los Santos   NEW ADDED: Armsdealers in Los Santos Icon_minitimeSat Sep 04, 2021 4:32 pm

BoelieBeast wrote:
Me (Boelie) and good old Compton are happy to announce npc's / bots  in our server for the first time.

As pro scripter of the server i feel like explaining you something about the NPCs (Non-Playing Characters, also known as 'bots').
Because of sa-mp limits npc's cant be killed ..at least not in this version..
you cant jack an npc his car  either...  Now i wont make you tired telling you more limits i just want you to know a scripter needs to be
very creative making a nice working npc. ..i could make them killable..but that would look real buggy..

All NPCs have there own small scripted AI ('artificial inteligence' ) all created by myself so they are very unique.
Unique things makes buggy things so there will be updates in the future to make it look smoother. No need to post bugs you face because
i know them all.
Ai' ght now these NPCs i made are weapon dealers. All you have to do is stand close to them and you get a menu choosing a weapon.
If you dont get the menu then you might wanna write 'deal'  and the npc will talk to you.
Theres also one weapon dealer driving around. Sit next to him in his car and there ya go buy your metal!

Have Fun!  

    lowriding Boelie (BoelieBeast)

fuck you bitch made nigga
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PostSubject: Re: NEW ADDED: Armsdealers in Los Santos   NEW ADDED: Armsdealers in Los Santos Icon_minitime

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