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 Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run

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PostSubject: Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run   Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run Icon_minitimeWed Apr 18, 2012 12:33 pm

Seeing as I have been part of five successful factions with a good role play level, on this server and it's predecessors, I'll make a short guide on this topic.

Step 1: Make sure you're capable of leading
If you do not have the qualities to lead a faction, you shouldn't try it, simple as that. You will face various OOC and IC problems all the time, which will need to be dealt with. If you can't cope with that, most likely you won't last long.

Step 2: Don't start leaderships alone
This is possibly the most important step, which a lot of people forget. Alone means you are the only man, if you're offline, the faction is dead. There's nobody to support you and you will be either forced to play with yourself or hang around other factions. Before applying to lead, you should focus on inviting people you know and making a team. If you start as a leader and you have only five outsiders with you, everything will be unorganized and a mess, it will force you to waste time in role playing getting to know everybody, when you could be doing more productive scenarios. That's why having high ranks from the start which will stick with you is very important, so focus on gathering good people for these positions. About two to four good role players you know would be a good start. Give them proper ranks and you will be off to a pleasant role play start. Uniting is the key.

Step 3: Think about what you choose
If you want to experiment, maybe you should not try it by leading a faction. Think wisely on what you choose, because leading is supposed to be long-term. If you want to try role playing a style, which you don't know if it will suit you, or isn't your type, try not to lead a faction before you're sure. Think everything out before you take the decision.

Step 4: Be active
If you become a leader and then go semi-active or inactive, everything will fall apart. On this type of a server, the leader being active is very important. The moment you go out of action and there's nobody to step in and handle your work - your faction goes down. Look around your schedule first, make sure you have enough time in the week to dedicate on leading a server faction.

Step 5: Put effort to showcase your faction
In the start, people will be looking at your faction, trying to figure it out. Make sure you put your faction in a good light. Control your members and make sure they act properly in front of other factions, or else people will start to rate your members badly. Create well-made threads on your forum section and keep them updated. Post quality screen shots of your daily role play for your members and other people to see. Possibly create a mapping or a modpack. Things like that may get new people interested in joining your faction and keep you on a good level in the public eye.

Step 6: Don't accept new people too fast
If you followed step two and gained a few members, there's no need to rush. I've often seen how factions accept members too fast and get around 10 for a day. Then by the end of the week, half of them are gone and either don't come back or leave. Make your future members earn joining the faction. It creates more role play, pushes away gang hoppers and makes people to put effort.

Step 7: Focus on role playing between each other
A lot of people make the mistake to start hunting down other factions on their first day. If this is your main role play, then your faction won't last long. The main thing to focus on, which will keep you alive, is to create original role play between each other. Hang around more in your area and do casual routines with your members. Factions shouldn't focus only in creating wars with other factions and shooting their members. If you cannot create proper, entertaining and original stories between your faction, then you will not last long.

Step 8: Don't try to beef with everybody, but don't be friends with everybody either
This is the strategic part of leading. When doing connections, you should avoid becoming enemies with everybody. If every factions on the server wants to attack you in revenge, you won't have a peaceful time in your area. You will get constant attacks and will end up shooting more than typing. But in the same time, do not make too many allies. Having too many friendlies may be unrealistic, problematic and turn out boring. As a gang, you stick together to control your area. Becoming too friendly with everybody will lead you to either doing no role play with them, hanging too much with them or having nobody to attack.

Step 9: Control your members
Don't let the members get on your head too much and don't let them create drama. You are still a leader and need to stand your ground as one. If everybody starts doing what he wants, everything will turn into chaos. They can cause different problems OOC and IC. That's why, be sure to kick, player kill or character kill when necessary.

Step 10: Don't quit
There will be times when even the most active factions will get in a dark period. If your activity is low, try to remain and stay in the faction. Try to get your members to become active again. Role play with other sets or allies. Create some role play with yourself towards other factions or hang around your area. Real leaders remain with their factions even if they become inactive and loose members.
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WCL Founder
WCL Founder

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PostSubject: Re: Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run   Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run Icon_minitimeWed Apr 18, 2012 1:47 pm

Great Topic, I like it alot, hopefully it will help our faction leaders to make their factions more organized.
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PostSubject: Re: Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run   Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run Icon_minitimeWed Apr 18, 2012 1:48 pm

Compton wrote:
Great Topic, I like it alot, hopefully it will help our faction leaders to make their factions more organized.
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Posts : 1500

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PostSubject: Re: Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run   Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run Icon_minitimeWed Apr 18, 2012 2:17 pm

It's true things about the factions and i think all of the leaders from our sever must follow with 'em.Nice one Rick.
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PostSubject: Re: Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run   Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run Icon_minitimeMon Jun 11, 2012 9:19 am

Thanks for the guide bub'

I'll try considering some of the things.
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PostSubject: Re: Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run   Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run Icon_minitimeWed Jul 04, 2012 7:44 pm

Bump. More people need to read this.
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Golden Poster
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PostSubject: Re: Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run   Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run Icon_minitimeThu Jul 05, 2012 8:39 am

Good job, Rick.
Hopefully people will not give up on their factions too early now.
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Posts : 4

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PostSubject: Re: Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run   Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run Icon_minitimeThu Jul 05, 2012 11:33 am

Awesome tutorial ..
Hope will help to someone.
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PostSubject: Re: Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run   Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run Icon_minitimeThu Jul 05, 2012 11:48 am

This will help leaders for sure,nice Rick.
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West Coast Gangsta
West Coast Gangsta

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PostSubject: Re: Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run   Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run Icon_minitimeSun Jul 08, 2012 10:51 pm

Should help very,very much to the new leaders
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PostSubject: Re: Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run   Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run Icon_minitimeMon Jul 09, 2012 2:06 pm

Quote :
Step 10: Don't quit
There will be times when even the most active factions will get in a dark period. If your activity is low, try to remain and stay in the faction. Try to get your members to become active again. Role play with other sets or allies. Create some role play with yourself towards other factions or hang around your area. Real leaders remain with their factions even if they become inactive and loose members.
this is the best part of the tutorial(for me) i like it great tutorial
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Post Lover
Post Lover

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PostSubject: Re: Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run   Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run Icon_minitimeTue Jul 10, 2012 3:17 am

nice tutorial dawg
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Posts : 2865
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PostSubject: Re: Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run   Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run Icon_minitimeWed Jul 18, 2012 11:16 am

Bump for new players/leaders. Topic has also been stickied.
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Posts : 6

Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run   Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run Icon_minitimeMon Feb 18, 2013 12:52 pm

Very good guide, Did a lead app. This will help greatly
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Golden Poster
Golden Poster

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PostSubject: Re: Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run   Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run Icon_minitimeMon Feb 18, 2013 1:02 pm

Great guide Rick.
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Posts : 2865
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PostSubject: Re: Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run   Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run Icon_minitimeTue Jul 16, 2013 4:02 pm

bump. this is a great topic and people should be reading it more often.
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Posts : 306
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PostSubject: Re: Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run   Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run Icon_minitimeFri Jan 10, 2014 1:56 am

Whenever I feel dissappointed with my leading I always take a look on this topic and that is refreshing my ideas,roleplay,motivation,great topic.
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PostSubject: Re: Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run   Leader Guide: Successful Faction Run Icon_minitime

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