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 [Faction Moderation] Using the faction tools

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Server Developer
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[Faction Moderation] Using the faction tools Empty
PostSubject: [Faction Moderation] Using the faction tools   [Faction Moderation] Using the faction tools Icon_minitimeMon Mar 21, 2016 5:01 pm

Adjusting member rights

The second beta run of West Coast Life has a feature for faction leaders to give each member individual rights. These rights range from inviting players to changing the spawn location of faction vehicles. Not only is this a very unique feature, it is also very powerful.

Changing the rights of an offline member is as easy as breathing since the server uses a relational database to store, modify and load data. This is what made this feature possible.

You have to be the leader of a faction to use the commands below!

Underneath the instructions (+ screenshots) to assign rights to your members.

> Use /assignrights

> Dialog opens with all the members (Username, rank, online/offline)
> Choose the member of which you want to modify the rights

> Dialog opens with all the available permissions and a state column where it tells you whether or not the selected member has these rights

> The dialog will update once you gave the player his rights. A 'no' turns into a 'yes' and vice versa

I hope you like this feature as much as I do, because it sure wasn't easy to create.

Feedback and ideas are always welcome.

Last edited by Yepperson on Sun Mar 27, 2016 4:08 am; edited 1 time in total
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Server Developer
Server Developer

Posts : 618

[Faction Moderation] Using the faction tools Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Faction Moderation] Using the faction tools   [Faction Moderation] Using the faction tools Icon_minitimeSun Mar 27, 2016 3:17 am

Adjusting ranks

The idea to make this script as dynamic as I possibly can came from my experience in taking the leadership of the LSPD and having to adjust the hierarchy almost constantly: removing ranks, adding ranks, changing their names...
This inspired me to develop this and after five days of struggling, +30k log lines, 12 pages with debug and ideas to fix the bugs, I finally succeeded!

The script works for leaders and those with the rights to adjust ranks.

> use /feditranks or /fer:

> Choose an action. The screen underneath will showcase changing the rank names first. Choosing this option will show a different dialog with all the ranks with their names and their ID:

> Click the rank of which you want to change the name, the screen underneath changes the name of Rank ID 2:

> The dialog which listed the ranks looks like this now:

> Choose a different action. The screen below will showcase changing the amount of ranks you want to use:

> By default, new ranks have the name: 'Unassigned'. You will have to change their names after adding them in:

Take the following notes in consideration:
- Let's say that you are currently using 7 ranks but you only want 4. You can do so by following the option 'Adjust amount of ranks'. Enter 4 and you will now have 4 ranks. The script handles players who have a deleted rank. The script does that by demoting everyone to the rank 'input - 1'. So if you enter 4, all players who had rank 4, 5, 6 or 7 will now have rank 3.

- The leader's rank is automatically set to the maximum. So if you take the example above and change the used ranks from 7 to 4, the leader's rank will then be 4.

- You cannot have less than 2 ranks or more than 20 ranks.

- Rank names have a maximum length of 32 characters and a minimum length of 3 characters.

Last edited by Yepperson on Sun Mar 27, 2016 4:10 am; edited 3 times in total
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[Faction Moderation] Using the faction tools
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