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 To faction leaders

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WCL Founder
WCL Founder

Posts : 3340
Location : Los Santos

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PostSubject: To faction leaders   To faction leaders Icon_minitimeMon Apr 01, 2013 11:05 am

Message to all current faction leaders!

If you apply to lead any faction, you actually agree, that you can be active despite to all of your IRL issues, such as: school, training, work and etc.. If you don't have enough time or spirit to lead a faction, just don't apply for the leader position at all. This does not mean that you will have to be on the server 24/7, but at least 4 times per week for 1-2 hours, and if you will really need to go inactive because of some reason, make sure that you inform the community here, or leave a message in your faction's section.

The faction leader list in this topic will be updated from time to time and other important notes will be also posted here.

Current Faction Leaders

VACANT* = Active
VACANT* = Active
VACANT* = Active

Remember, that most of the faction members will not log in if they wont see their leader online(Very small procent will), and on our server, it's really important to keep up the player base, so if the leader goes really inactive without informing he will just lose the leading position, sorry fellas, but if you aren't able to be active, let other players apply for leadership.

#Rule: Only current faction leaders and administrators can post here.

Last edited by Compton/Kollay on Thu Feb 23, 2017 10:56 pm; edited 61 times in total
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WCL Founder
WCL Founder

Posts : 3340
Location : Los Santos

To faction leaders Empty
PostSubject: Re: To faction leaders   To faction leaders Icon_minitimeThu Jun 04, 2015 11:22 pm

Updated 05.06.15
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