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4 posters

Posts : 973

[MC]White Empty
PostSubject: [MC]White   [MC]White Icon_minitimeWed Mar 08, 2017 7:12 pm

Your server name: Gundus

When did this happen (date, time)?: Feb 8 I think

Who are you reporting?: [MC]White

What are you reporting this person for?: Admin abuse, it's obvious he edited the 'admin has given weapon to' text in his SS. What's the fucking point of raising gun prices to oblivion only to have admins abuse their power to get guns afterwards?

Evidence: [MC]White 0b35760b_l
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Posts : 1102

[MC]White Empty
PostSubject: Re: [MC]White   [MC]White Icon_minitimeWed Mar 08, 2017 7:28 pm

Look at the weapon's bullets. 0-10, ye see that? The weapon was given purely for aesthetics value, so it looks alright on the screenshots. The weapon was shot to extinction after that, if you'd cared to read the screens further. Don't want to play here cause you can't abuse DM cause of cheap weapons? Fiiiine by me, my friend, but you don't have to make such blatantly stupid reports about such blatantly obvious things. 'Sides, revise your own behaviour on the server / forums, since you have been warned / banned on the forums for posting useless stuff. A precious advice from me is to use your brain, calmly think before saying something, you usually save O2, produce less CO2, and we can all live happily on this planet.
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Posts : 973

[MC]White Empty
PostSubject: Re: [MC]White   [MC]White Icon_minitimeWed Mar 08, 2017 8:04 pm

all u said is irrelevant. he abused admin commands to give himself a weapon, it is a rulebreak to abuse your power init. he gave himself an advantage over an ordinary player by using admin commands even if it was to enhance roleplay or 'purely aesthetics' you can just rp it like every other player on the server would have to instead of using /giveweapon. lol.
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Posts : 1102

[MC]White Empty
PostSubject: Re: [MC]White   [MC]White Icon_minitimeWed Mar 08, 2017 8:53 pm

It seems that you didn't follow my advice, friend, once again produced more CO2. How is it an unfair advantage over another player, when it did not involve any player at all? Hello? All that CO2 you spewing out leaves your brain with no way to process O2. See, matey? Follow my advice and breathe more, ey?

PS: Should you ask for a weapon between 1-10 bullets for your RP aesthetics, you won't be turned down by an admin unless he is busy.
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Posts : 2865
Age : 24
Location : Serbia

[MC]White Empty
PostSubject: Re: [MC]White   [MC]White Icon_minitimeWed Mar 08, 2017 9:54 pm

Tried to prevent myself from responding, but I can't.

No abuse of whatever sort was performed, the weapon was given only to conduct a few screenshots as we have done and the weapon has been emptied out immediately in the following screenshot, thus destroying any 'advantage' we had over other players that you speak of.

Both of you can roleplay fairly well, one more or less, but your main hobby since the re-opening of the server has been trolling, which the admin team does not condone and the two of you will be put on notice because of that and will be persecuted whenever you do not follow the rules.

No one in the team performs the act of abusing any of the commands that they're given along with the admin level, but if that does happen, you can be assured that the admin will be dealt with properly, no matter who he is.

If you wish, I can take a screenshot whenever I give a person a weapon using the admin command and send them to your PMs or private email, it's not a big deal, just to know that a fine player of the server like yourself knows and believes that no admin member abuses the power they received.
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Server Developer
Server Developer

Posts : 618

[MC]White Empty
PostSubject: Re: [MC]White   [MC]White Icon_minitimeThu Mar 09, 2017 3:26 am

I condemn the abuse of admin commands and your alertness is greatly appreciated. However, if it weren't for the 10 bullets, the fact that it's proven to have been removed from his record after the RP scene and they being alone on the server—I would have taken action. Furthermore, as White mentioned, you of all players, shouldn't be watching others' actions so closely.

/locked and archived
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[MC]White Empty
PostSubject: Re: [MC]White   [MC]White Icon_minitime

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