Here is a more detailed credits list than the one you can find in game.
General creditsJefferson/Yepperson- Former third-party developer, current owner, main developer, Chief of Finances and hoster.
Compton- Founder, former main developer, former owner and current co-owner.
U.N.Owen- Co-founder, former secondary developer, former hoster (1/10/11 - 1/10/15) and former Chief of Finances.
Wh1t3- Co-founder, former hoster (14/07/11 - 30/09/11) and current server mapper.
Rick- Very honorable community member.
MarkNiko- Very honorable community member.
More specific credits:Doughboy- Forum artwork
DaParasite- New MC mapping in willowfield
- Coffeeshop mapping both interior and exterior in Santa Marina
Lil_Familie- New Grove Street/Ganton mapping
- The official West Coast Life mod pack: El Corona skatepark mapping
- VLA ganghouse mapping
Wh1t3- Vehicle dealership mapping
If you find mappings that you made and are still on the server, then please let me know!