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 WCL2k17 - Our latest attempt at the revival of a great community

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Server Developer
Server Developer

Posts : 618

WCL2k17 - Our latest attempt at the revival of a great community Empty
PostSubject: WCL2k17 - Our latest attempt at the revival of a great community   WCL2k17 - Our latest attempt at the revival of a great community Icon_minitimeSat Feb 18, 2017 8:32 pm


I convey this message with utmost excitement: West Coast Life RP has been given another chance! The old admin team decided to combine their motivation to try it once more and it will truly be the last time we try this.

And what is different, I hear you ask. Well, nothing except a few minor visual differences. I have dedicated last week to update the back end of the original WCL script and have succeeded in doing so today. Also, some old features from last year have made their return to this script including:
  • factions (https://west-life.forummo.com/t8418-update-faction-functionality)
  • vehicles (https://west-life.forummo.com/t8402-the-vehicle-script)
  • Automatic renaming when joining gangs (https://west-life.forummo.com/t8401-information-regarding-name-changes) [TAGS ARE IMPLEMENTED!]

You will also see a few other minor differences such as the broadcasted messages. They have been slightly altered to look a bit better and more organized.

And last, but not least, I have something very dearly loved by our old school players:
[BOT]Earl and [BOT]8ball are back!

The server is currently hosted on a temporary server till we manage to fix the official server. It is also running the old script for now. Here's the IP:

For more information, you can always directly message me or a specific administrator: https://west-life.forummo.com/t8426-admin-heads-which-admin-to-contact-when-needed
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