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 GTA V lowriders update

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WCL Founder
WCL Founder

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PostSubject: GTA V lowriders update   GTA V lowriders update Icon_minitimeTue Oct 20, 2015 4:57 pm

Probably the best update yet for GTA Online. So amazing, about time rockstar thought about those who have some interest in gang culture and more of a SA looking GTA.

Added low low customizations, gang missions and of course my favorite, new clothes, that finally make you look like a proper person IG. Well really excited about this one.

Took 2 pics of my ass quickly IG to show examples of new clothing

GTA V lowriders update 2mdpgdk
GTA V lowriders update 2yz05y0
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U.N. Owen
U.N. Owen

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PostSubject: Re: GTA V lowriders update   GTA V lowriders update Icon_minitimeWed Oct 21, 2015 12:44 am

And us last generation console fags get nada, de nada. This is why i don't buy new releases in the first week anymore, and why i always buy a year or two in advance once the prices drop. Guess i'll have to pick up the PC edition next year sometime.
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Golden Poster
Golden Poster

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PostSubject: Re: GTA V lowriders update   GTA V lowriders update Icon_minitimeThu Oct 22, 2015 9:34 pm

Wasted my last 600k tuning a Faction, but hell, it was worth it.
Don't got no screenshot right now, but my character went from a yellow latex condom to a gangster smfh
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PostSubject: Re: GTA V lowriders update   GTA V lowriders update Icon_minitime

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