IC Questions
Character Name:Frank Tenpenny
Character Age:About 30
How does your character look:Black origin,Police Officer uniform,short haricut,gun in a holster,tazer too,nitestick in a holster.
Tell something you know about this gang:The Police Department CRASH Division is to make streets free of gang banging and things like that,but they sometimes have to break some Police Rules to get their goal.
OOC Questions
What is your in-game name:Gundus
What is your real life age:11
In what time zone you live(GMT+3, GMT-1, ect..):+1
List the previous factions that you been in on this server:1 Month since I'm back,but before few months I played a little.
What faction do you want to lead:[C]
Why do you want to lead this faction:Because I like Corrupt Cop RP
Can you be a good and active leader:Yes
Did you read the gang leadership rules and do you agree with them:*Accepting WCL RP gang leader apply rules*
Roleplay Related Questions
Explain the term PG:Powergaming-Doing stuff impossible in real life,example:I car surf(Stand on a car while in driving stance),2.I force players to do RP that they didn't agree to without Succed/Fail or OOC agree.
Explain the term MG:Metagaming-Using OOC information ICly,example:Someone /pm me that he is there and I /pm him back that I'm coming,that's pure MG unless we are rping SMS,because you don't know where's someone in real life,without conatcting him.
Give an example of a good /me command:/Me Laughs at John's joke,/Me Gets knocked out by an Security Guard.
In what cases /do command should be used(give 1-2 examples):/Do Knocked out(when someone rp's knocking us out),/Do Car Engine off.
Give yourself a grade of your RP Skill from 1 till 10:8
I copied MG,PG,/Me,and /Do from my KTB Leadership application,I mean I wrote it just before,so I saved myself some time.