As it stands the people that have gone on the server are not very satisfied with its state. More prominently is that it hasn't changed much since 2011. May I remind those that complain of the fact that I tried to revolutionize the server back in 2016 and received very negative feedback from 1) part of the admin team and 2) the community itself? It had even gone so far as to Compton closing the forums after the server was left unpaid.
Meebo and I decided in March to give WCL yet another chance with its 2011-core intact, and so we did. I prematurely opened WCL (HaL) v1.51a on request of the
whole admin team. In fact, Compton even opened his own server which ran the old script for about a month! That's how much request there was to release an updated server. The update was filled with bugs and missing features and thus I decided to fully focus on the script instead of full-stacking the thing. Now, 2 months later, here I am posting a topic complaining about the community's reaction to the server.
The admin team has shrunk to just 4 members (including myself), all of which are too busy with IRL stuff to bother being active and I for one am working full time on WCL's gamemode. One might say: "How hard is it to make a SA-MP gamemode?" — Don't get me started! I can easily go on the SA-MP forum, download hundreds of filterscripts and toss them on the server and get a mediocre result. That's how most of the old gamemode was built, by the way. But I would dig up WCL's old grave again if I do that. Anyone with a bit of experience with PAWN and filterscripts knows that they are bad and that making your own gamemode is
THE only way to go.
Then one might say: "Why don't you just use the old WCL gamemode and add features to it?" I quote:
- Yepperson wrote:
I can easily go on the SA-MP forum, download hundreds of filterscripts and toss them on the server and get a mediocre result. That's how most of the old gamemode was built, by the way.
If you do decide to complain, do so in a respectable manner. I do not censor criticism nor complaints, I even wholeheartedly appreciate it, but if you express them in a disrespectful manner, you will be ignored or eventually banned.
I have started developing v1.55 which
WILL get rid of the 2011-vibe of the server and I
WILL take my time with it. (it won't take months, I promise!)