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 The class selection - How it works

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Server Developer
Server Developer

Posts : 618

The class selection - How it works Empty
PostSubject: The class selection - How it works   The class selection - How it works Icon_minitimeFri Dec 11, 2015 9:12 pm

It has come to my attention that many think that only the civilian skins are implemented while in reality all the gangs and their skins are available for those entitled to use it. I am posting this topic to inform you all about how the class selection actually works.

Every newly registered player is put in the civilian group. The civilian group holds a total of 31 skins. They can choose between these skins to start their roleplay experience on the server.

Once ragged by a gang leader, you will be able to see the skins of that gang. You are put into their group and the civilian skins will no longer be available to you.

The reason for this kind of system is to avoid the infamous crash bug that occurred when scrolling through a lot of skins. Secondly, it saves time.
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