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 One handed deagle IFP + anims

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Golden Donator
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Age : 27

One handed deagle IFP + anims Empty
PostSubject: One handed deagle IFP + anims   One handed deagle IFP + anims Icon_minitimeTue Sep 16, 2014 5:10 pm


Note that there's a ped ifp included which have the same anims as the video so, if you want to install the deagle anim only then just install python.ifp to GTA3.img.
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Posts : 976
Age : 26

One handed deagle IFP + anims Empty
PostSubject: Re: One handed deagle IFP + anims   One handed deagle IFP + anims Icon_minitimeWed Sep 17, 2014 9:53 am

Already have this hehe,thanks for sharing.
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One handed deagle IFP + anims
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