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 September 11/2001

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[AFK]Lil Dan
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September 11/2001 Empty
PostSubject: September 11/2001   September 11/2001 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 3:26 pm

Well im late for one day but I still want to post something about it:

This is the best video I found/even seen about this day.

Even tho im not an American, and I havent lost noone close to me back in those days, I still think that what happend is horrible and when I watch this video im getting shocked... This will never be forgotten...

R.I.P All innocent people who died back in those days.

Last edited by Compton on Mon Sep 12, 2011 5:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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[AFK]Lil Dan
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[AFK]Lil Dan

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September 11/2001 Empty
PostSubject: Re: September 11/2001   September 11/2001 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 3:38 pm

RIP the innocent people, but F**k USA Government which brought it upon the USA themselves

and etc. so much drama bout 2 building crushed and bunch of terrorists.

And still no1 gives a F**k like its nothin bout bombarding Belgrade in 99' by whole NATO, and they didnt bombarded only military structures but even housing buildings and hospitals. and only reason of bombarding is so called "pressure on albans by serbs on kosovo" like serbs burned their own churches etc. F**k them all.

RIP innocent victims, F**k USA Government.

Sorry over-reacted but i get annoyed and all that kind of shit when people keep crying over 911 like its bigger attack/war than WW2.

**Pisses on White House and Pentagon proudly and with smile**
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WCL Founder
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September 11/2001 Empty
PostSubject: Re: September 11/2001   September 11/2001 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 3:56 pm

You dont understand what you are saying sheesh....

Noone forgot about WW2 and its remembered till this day why the heck you think we got parades and stuff till now? And about your Kosovo thingy, I doubt people forgot about it, they remember it in their country till this day, dont think Kosov is something special that is the only thing that been forgotten, there were so many wars in the world and they cannot be all rememberd, like 2008 war in South Osetia with Georgia, or Vietnam War and etc and etc.. and some of them wars were even more serious than your Kosovo one, But what happend back then at 2001 just shows that some Muslims are the reason of the terror in the world, and they didnt only cause that kind of a huge terract in USA, there were many more countries that suffered from Muslim Terrorists. People all around the world remember the 9/11 becuase it was simply horrible, that 4 planes got stolen with innocent people on board and got crashed into 2 WTC buildings, Pentagon and 1 plane just fell for nothing, over 1 morning only 3000 people died, so thats why it's so important to remember.

p.s. As I see now that in the Kosovo war of 4 months only like 530 innocent people died!
And at 9/11 for only 3 hours 3000 people died!

Big Differance...
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[AFK]Lil Dan
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[AFK]Lil Dan

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September 11/2001 Empty
PostSubject: Re: September 11/2001   September 11/2001 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 4:00 pm

Kosovo is an example of both USA,NATO and muslim terror. but im just saying people goes dramatic with 11/9 more than every war together.
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WCL Founder
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September 11/2001 Empty
PostSubject: Re: September 11/2001   September 11/2001 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 4:03 pm

They do not go dramatic over nothing you know, that day brought economical problems to USA and Thousands of Deaths, and USA has the rights to remember and cry about the family/friends they lost.

And till this day some people who survived that day are with serious body/psychic problems and some even cause of that day got on themselves non-curing desiases like for example: Cancer because of the fog/smoke or stress

If we will forget the past we wont have a proper future.

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[AFK]Lil Dan
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[AFK]Lil Dan

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September 11/2001 Empty
PostSubject: Re: September 11/2001   September 11/2001 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 4:20 pm

Yeah true they have but cmon.. even watching US presidents holding speeches bout it like they war victims of war and they went to arab countries only for oil, "to fight terrorism"

war with terrorism couldnt be won, because terrorism isnt a faction and they still claim how USA are the victims etc.
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WCL Founder
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September 11/2001 Empty
PostSubject: Re: September 11/2001   September 11/2001 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 4:24 pm

Lets not talk about George Bushes mistakes cause he really was an idiot, he lost so much US soldiers because of the Iraq war and Afghanistan, This topic aint about that, it's about Innocent People Deaths.

Probably he lost his head cause 2001 was his first year the the US president, and when this Terract happend he wanted to show the people that he cares about th country and wanted to make it better, but made it worse..
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[AFK]Lil Dan
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[AFK]Lil Dan

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September 11/2001 Empty
PostSubject: Re: September 11/2001   September 11/2001 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 4:29 pm

ye i agree with ur last post.

RIP innocents tho
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Bronze Donator
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September 11/2001 Empty
PostSubject: Re: September 11/2001   September 11/2001 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 4:44 pm

I don't think Bindladen is dead and actually did this.
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WCL Founder
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September 11/2001 Empty
PostSubject: Re: September 11/2001   September 11/2001 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 4:50 pm

He is dead Al Queda confirmed he died.

And Al Queda also confirmed that they are responsable for the terror at 9/11, you should read news more xD

Plus they wouldent of taken the shame on blame if they wouldent do it.
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Bronze Donator
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September 11/2001 Empty
PostSubject: Re: September 11/2001   September 11/2001 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 4:54 pm

Compton wrote:
He is dead Al Queda confirmed he died.

And Al Queda also confirmed that they are responsable for the terror at 9/11, you should read news more xD

Plus they wouldent of taken the shame on blame if they wouldent do it.

Why wouldn't they?Goverment could've easily frammed them.
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WCL Founder
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September 11/2001 Empty
PostSubject: Re: September 11/2001   September 11/2001 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 4:59 pm

U fat, there are interviews from TV and qoutes from news, of Conversation with Bin laden, and there are thousands of those qoutes and videos, try search for them and you will understand that Al queda organised this terract.
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Bronze Donator
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September 11/2001 Empty
PostSubject: Re: September 11/2001   September 11/2001 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 5:01 pm

How do you know U.S didn't edit the clips?It's not hard now adays to fiddle with videos.Theres just something odd about how those towers fell down.
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WCL Founder
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September 11/2001 Empty
PostSubject: Re: September 11/2001   September 11/2001 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 5:11 pm

lol man, stop fucking around in this topic, I once again repeat this was made to remember the innocent people that died in that day and not to troll around, protecting Al Quoeda, it is confirmed that it was al quedas fault and you know that!, you just want troll around like you always do.
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Bronze Donator
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September 11/2001 Empty
PostSubject: Re: September 11/2001   September 11/2001 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 5:14 pm

Troll? Rolling Eyes I'm just pointing out I think it's a conspriacy.Also I said "I think" you were calling me up on that.I'm not defending anyone but saying pissing on a dead persons grave it pretty sick aswell.I'm just saying that I don't think Binladen was the cause of the actual attacks.
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WCL Founder
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September 11/2001 Empty
PostSubject: Re: September 11/2001   September 11/2001 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 5:18 pm

Well ok Mister protector, lets love and protect all the muslim terrorists around the world and be happy that they cause such big attacks, This wasent the only Bin Ladens attack you know, he made thousands attacks around the world and now you protect him!

p.s. Piss on The Grave part is a metaphor(well atleast for Bin Laden), cause this asshole dosent even got one, he got thrown into the ocean!
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[AFK]Lil Dan
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[AFK]Lil Dan

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September 11/2001 Empty
PostSubject: Re: September 11/2001   September 11/2001 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 5:19 pm

Lol, old is right, every1 can edit or fake vids lol
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Bronze Donator
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September 11/2001 Empty
PostSubject: Re: September 11/2001   September 11/2001 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 5:19 pm

I'm just saying just because something is "proven" doesn't mean it's correct.Like the whole creation of the world it's "proven" that there was a big bang that made it.But others believe different.It's basicly the same as this.I'm not protecting anyone I just think it was a conspricay.Watch a few videos on youtube about the conspiracy and they make alot of good points.
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WCL Founder
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September 11/2001 Empty
PostSubject: Re: September 11/2001   September 11/2001 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 5:22 pm

Everyone has his point of view, but most of the world(belive me its so), hates Al Queda, no matter if they did this terract or not! They did another one! and another one! and dont bring me examples of Bing Bang theory cause it's a different thing, same as With Darvins Human Theory and Bible, Now stop this useless talking.
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Bronze Donator
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September 11/2001 Empty
PostSubject: Re: September 11/2001   September 11/2001 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 5:24 pm

I'm just saying any tom dick or harry could edit a video and move it around abit,Yes I know Al Queda are a high profile group who have done many attacks which makes them the perfect prey.And also most attacks they made was after 9/11 bit werid don't you think?

Anyway R.I.P all people who got there lifes taken on that day.
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September 11/2001 Empty
PostSubject: Re: September 11/2001   September 11/2001 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 6:25 pm

Most terrorists, controversial political figures or major international criminals (Carlos the Jackal, Sean Garland, George Hawi, etc) are funded or being helped by a big country one way or another, directly or non-directly. Also most of the world doesn't hate Al-Qaeda, because they don't know what that is, but are told to fear it anyway thanks to the 'Muslims are terrorists' propaganda. Alexander Litvinenko spoke how the FSB had connections to Al-Qaeda and managed to integrate a trained by them person in the organization, later becoming the assistant of Bin Laden. This is confirmed by another agent also. If you think somebody can make such a big operation without at least one criminal intelligence organization knowing before hand, you're delusional.

Anyway, rest in peace to the victims.
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[AFK]Lil Dan
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[AFK]Lil Dan

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September 11/2001 Empty
PostSubject: Re: September 11/2001   September 11/2001 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 6:36 pm

Rick wrote:
Most terrorists, controversial political figures or major international criminals (Carlos the Jackal, Sean Garland, George Hawi, etc) are funded or being helped by a big country one way or another, directly or non-directly. Also most of the world doesn't hate Al-Qaeda, because they don't know what that is, but are told to fear it anyway thanks to the 'Muslims are terrorists' propaganda. Alexander Litvinenko spoke how the FSB had connections to Al-Qaeda and managed to integrate a trained by them person in the organization, later becoming the assistant of Bin Laden. This is confirmed by another agent also. If you think somebody can make such a big operation without at least one criminal intelligence organization knowing before hand, you're delusional.

Anyway, rest in peace to the victims.

nuff said
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September 11/2001 Empty
PostSubject: Re: September 11/2001   September 11/2001 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 9:38 pm

Pilots fault.Personal opinion..It's useless to fight for something like this because you won't change anything...God protect them and so on...But the pilots could just crash the planes somewhere elese like one of them did and saved a lot of lifes.
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WCL Founder
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September 11/2001 Empty
PostSubject: Re: September 11/2001   September 11/2001 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 9:49 pm

In next year a new World Trade Center should be finished, they started making it in 2006 and for today 86 floors out of 105 are done, lets hope next year we will see a brand new WTC, this time it will be looking more modern and it will be only one Smile

Thats how it will look:
September 11/2001 Freedom_Tower_New

This is the progress on 8th September:
September 11/2001 640px-WTCPlaza982011
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September 11/2001 Empty
PostSubject: Re: September 11/2001   September 11/2001 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 12, 2011 10:05 pm

Omg...that's great.Love it Very Happy First time seeing how it'll look Shocked
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PostSubject: Re: September 11/2001   September 11/2001 Icon_minitime

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September 11/2001
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