Your server name:FYB Tuck
When did this happen (date, time)?:Right now
Who are you reporting?:Katie
What are you reporting this person for?:I kidnapped Kimberly a week ago and OOCLY it was to late and I should go as I did.After a week I asked her to rp it where we stopped and she accept that but she didn't accept the rape and I am okay with that.I took Kims on other place not the same place because I forgot what place was that.I called Katie but she actually never exists in that week when I kidnapp her.So she like I hear shoots and came to kill me,she actually knew that I'll go somewhere in village or Kim's pm her I dont know but that is all.
EDIT:Katie was telling that she was heading to home and hear a shoot even if we she exists when that time was he couldn't hear a shoot because we would be on other spot.