Your server name: Ced
When did this happen (date, time)?: 10/12/2012 Around 5:30 - 5:40
Who are you reporting?: James_OConnor
What are you reporting this person for?: Well when I logged in WCL, I was about to test out a Chief Keef mod i had found, all of a sudden James_OConnor magically appeared and begin to /shout STOP and /shout DROP THE WEAPON such things like that, i told him i was not rping in /b and he Specifically told me he doesn't care, test it in SP, I dont even want to explain the rest, he wanted to DM me so bad he SPAMMED ME and ABUSED PD Lockers so he can kill me.. check for yourself, it got to the point where i did /nopm
He also lied about being on the server for 40mins, so go ahead and report me.
He's been on the server before, arresting people for no reason. Reports like this is getting out of hand, No players or All players. this server needs some requirement for you to come ingame because i hate to report so many times to a admin who was afk the past 20 mins i /report for this reason.. such childish things players do these days.. this has got to stop, seriously
BTW: Compton if you were on the forums when i /reported about 3 times, well it's not a big deal then, just put a stop to these players who just act noobish and screw up peoples rp.