Your server name:[FYB]DoughBoy
When did this happen (date, time)?:(first pic:2 days ago)(second and third pic:20-30 mins earlier)
Who are you reporting?:[VLA]Petar,[VLA]Lil_Jam,[VLA]Ignacio,[VLA]Johny
What are you reporting this person for?:PG(Petar),abusing /q(Johny) and /kill(Lil_Jam),RKing(Ignacio mostly but all the others did too),and possible hacking
Evidence:I have pictures and i got 2-3 witnesses that's Spikey,Marcus and CrazyBell.
(2 days ago)Petar PG-ed by entering Crack Den and killed us all,and we did LOCKED the den rply.
I'm not surprised,i seen lots of reports on Petar,and i think he isn't capable of leading VLA since his members rulebreaking 24/7.
We planned attack on VLA,we killed 'em all.But Jam did /q abused at first.
Then he came iG back,i fired bullet just one bullet towards him since i couldn't see the name above.
Then he /kill abused and told me that i DM-ed and RK-ed.As u see Spikey noticed Johny /q-ed back there.
This was Ignacio,RK-ing and destroying our van.
I shoulda' mentioned Saucedo too but i ain't got SS of him but i think admins know it.And somethin' more..Everytime but EVERYTIME when they attack,VLA's got AK's.That's weird so that's why i'm supicious of hacking.And + they often used AK's at daylight,If y'all want evidences,imma ask Spikey and Marcus to confirm it,Thank you very much!
EDIT: -Nvm Jam's been banned already.
-Johny and Petar are same person,I didn't know it.