Your server name: [SBF]Jones
When did this happen (date, time)?: Five minutes ago.
Who are you reporting?: [DP]Dopeman
What are you reporting this person for?: After kidnapping him, we've drove him to my appartement.
He kept saying in /b "It's PG, you can't force me to be alive", such things.
Then, as you can see on the SS, he said in /do "I'm already dead" BEFORE DP raids my appartement.
The fact is, when he was alone with us, he didn't gave a fuck about the RP. He kept saying that he was already dead, that he can't survive 5-6 bullets, etc..
When Ballas & Dope Peddle raided my house, killing us. He was doing /do Heart beat is slow. When i said he was dead, he said /do No, i'm not.
I have alot of witnesses on it, everyone who was at my appartement before DP and Ballas shows up.