[b]Your server name:[TDF]Pimpin
When did this happen (date, time)?: June 1st, 1-2 Hours ago.
Who are you reporting?: Rampage.
What are you reporting this person for?: Constantly /qing to avoid role-play and death.
Evidence: I don't got no screens, I got witnesses, Smokey_ Was there, (Spectating us).
Extra Information:.. Well, Me and Dernelz found Rampage slipping in our hood, We got into the green wood and blowed his car up, He ran behind the 24/7 He was cracked, and we did /me Laughs at Rampage, Bending down, Looking for items from his pockets. Then we did /do Succseed/Failed? he said /do Succseed. Then we took his Desert Eagle, and he had a AK-47 out, and I did /me Bends down, Taking the AK-47 from Rampage's arms fastly. He didn't answer in /do or nothing. Then we said /b Start to role-play or report, Then he /q abused like 3-4 times. Now, I'm reporting.