IC Questions
Character Name:Frank Tempeny
Character Age:34
How does your character look:Black male thin mu-stash Average Body shape Average male height, Often in Police uniform.
Tell something you know about this gang:C.R.A.S.H is an anti-gang unit it was made you protect Los Santos from Gang related crimes, as gang banging and other's,The crime Los Santos is most known for is, Gang crime that is why its up to Los Santos anti-gang unit C.R.A.S.H to end gangbanging and keep the city under control.
OOC Questions
What is your in-game name:[PD]Dewain[C]
What is your real life age:16
In what time zone you live(GMT+3, GMT-1, ect..): GMT+0100
List the previous factions that you been in on this server:Hmm, TDB, but i didnt get official in it because the leader was inactive, and FYB
What faction do you want to lead: [C]
Why do you want to lead this faction:I wouldn't like [C] to die, or somebody to lead it who will mess it up, Ill try my best to lead it and make it a success and try Improve the RP of some people who are currently in it.
Can you be a good and active leader:Well, i have confidence in my self, and i WILL be active and try my best to make it a Success just like Roger and Meebo did.
List the members you have so far:[PD]Drake[C] [PD]Marcus[C] [PD]Cat (( Don't worry, ill try my best to teach Marcus not to troll and RP better))
Did you read the gang leadership rules and do you agree with them:*Accepting WCL RP gang leader apply rules*
Roleplay Related Questions
Explain the term PG:PG is Power Gaming - Doing Unrealistic thing, impossible for a average person to do in real life
Explain the term MG:MG is Metagaming- Using OOC information for IC purposes, reading someone's name tag and calling them by it IC when that's not there name, or you have not met them before.
Give an example of a good /me command: /me Reaches into the inside pocket of his Silky Jacket, then slides out a Vehicle key plugging it into the door
In what cases /do command should be used(give 1-2 examples):/do should only be used to Describe Your character, or Showing your expression/reaction
Example 1: /do Dark Green Jeans, Black Tank, Grove Street O.G Rag on his head, Muscular Body shape.
Example 2:/do As i go into the hospital you notice 2 male doctor's and 1 female nurse running to me rushing me to a bed after witnessing my gun shot wounds
Give yourself a grade of your RP Skill from 1 till 10:Hmm 8.9/10