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 VIP Chat

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[AFK]Lil Dan
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PostSubject: VIP Chat   VIP Chat Icon_minitimeSun Jan 08, 2012 5:00 pm

Maybe VIP chat In Game for Donators and people who helped WCL,like Owen by Hosting..
Like /vchat or /vip or /v.
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PostSubject: Re: VIP Chat   VIP Chat Icon_minitimeSun Jan 08, 2012 5:24 pm

†Wea$el† wrote:
WTF?Whut u did dis topic for man? Shocked

It's a suggestion.

Dizzy wrote:
again SOLS copy

It's not copying,many servers have VIP chat not just SOLS,I don't know why people always compare us to SOLS.
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PostSubject: Re: VIP Chat   VIP Chat Icon_minitimeSun Jan 08, 2012 5:26 pm

Theres no reason to get a chat for that, 1: Theres really no need for it 2: it would make people chat more than rp

i guess you're just gonna answer with: Why does admins have a chat then? Easy, because not all admins can kick/ban etc. and we use that chat to talk about who we suspect hacks, and if someone finds a hacker/rule breaker and he can't kick, others does that.
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[AFK]Lil Dan
Golden Poster
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[AFK]Lil Dan

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PostSubject: Re: VIP Chat   VIP Chat Icon_minitimeSun Jan 08, 2012 6:46 pm

Mark-Niko wrote:
Theres no reason to get a chat for that, 1: Theres really no need for it 2: it would make people chat more than rp

i guess you're just gonna answer with: Why does admins have a chat then? Easy, because not all admins can kick/ban etc. and we use that chat to talk about who we suspect hacks, and if someone finds a hacker/rule breaker and he can't kick, others does that.

Chat about suspect hacks, rule breakers....... Suuuureeee hahafun

Anyway, next one who says that we copy anything from SOLS will get my foot up his ass.
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PostSubject: Re: VIP Chat   VIP Chat Icon_minitimeSun Jan 08, 2012 7:24 pm

Lil_Dan wrote:
Mark-Niko wrote:
Theres no reason to get a chat for that, 1: Theres really no need for it 2: it would make people chat more than rp

i guess you're just gonna answer with: Why does admins have a chat then? Easy, because not all admins can kick/ban etc. and we use that chat to talk about who we suspect hacks, and if someone finds a hacker/rule breaker and he can't kick, others does that.

Chat about suspect hacks, rule breakers....... Suuuureeee hahafun

Anyway, next one who says that we copy anything from SOLS will get my foot up his ass.

Lol u just copy from.... Red from the 70's show trolling
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[AFK]Lil Dan
Golden Poster
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[AFK]Lil Dan

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PostSubject: Re: VIP Chat   VIP Chat Icon_minitimeSun Jan 08, 2012 7:41 pm

who? cut off topic now lol
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[AFK]Lil Dan
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[AFK]Lil Dan

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PostSubject: Re: VIP Chat   VIP Chat Icon_minitimeSun Jan 08, 2012 9:51 pm

weasel ban warned for spamming
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PostSubject: Re: VIP Chat   VIP Chat Icon_minitimeMon Jan 09, 2012 1:30 pm

This really is'nt needed because you can always use /PM or also go on forum and PM someone there or go on forum chat.
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West Coast Gangsta
West Coast Gangsta

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PostSubject: Re: VIP Chat   VIP Chat Icon_minitimeThu Jan 19, 2012 1:43 am

I've been in a server before with a vip chat ( I was an administrator ) and it didn't work out well at all. As someone above said, it will just influence people to chat more than role play.
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PostSubject: Re: VIP Chat   VIP Chat Icon_minitimeFri Jan 20, 2012 8:48 am

Lil_Dan wrote:
Mark-Niko wrote:
Theres no reason to get a chat for that, 1: Theres really no need for it 2: it would make people chat more than rp

i guess you're just gonna answer with: Why does admins have a chat then? Easy, because not all admins can kick/ban etc. and we use that chat to talk about who we suspect hacks, and if someone finds a hacker/rule breaker and he can't kick, others does that.

next one who says that we copy anything from SOLS will get my foot up his ass.
yeah lol, but hey what makes you think where does SOLS GET their ideas from? from other servers
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PostSubject: Re: VIP Chat   VIP Chat Icon_minitime

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